Zo Siah Canyon Exploration Report

zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon

From today i wanna give reports from some our outdoors activity too , Like our Canyoning , This time i wanna report about our exploration one of canyons in Iran in Khorasan Razavi province . This valley called ” Zo Siah ” is one of the wild canyons in this area . This exploration did in Aug 2018 with Group ” Dare Navardan Khorasan ” .

zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon

In First day after a 4 hours road trip we stayed in a house of nomads , they was very kind with us and they was our guest in one of them house , they didnt allow us to use of our tent , then we stayed in one warm house of nomads people . By the way in next morning after ate our breakfast we made our plan to explore canyon in 12 hours and we had guess to do it with our information on Satellite maps , By the way in start point of canyon after 1 hours mountaineering we saw canyons is so much deeper we think and we make a new guess , so we prepare all thing and our self to stay one night inside of canyon , unfortunately we had not enough foods and Equipment , by the way its adventure life 😀 so we started canyon under sunshine .

zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon

We had 14 rappelling with 6 meters waterfalls to 50 meters height waterfalls , we started rappelling in 10 AM and last rappelling was around 8 PM , We was a 11 member group ( 4 women and 7 men ) , Actually we was bottommost point of valley , so tried to find a place near river and make a fire that certainly a gift from god to give us energy 😀 lol .

zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon

By the in these exploration you can see friendship on members , we share our foods and equipment for sleeping , i must say truth we didnt , just we had a nap to save our energy until next day , next day we had around 6 hours mountaineering to going of top of valley and going back to our start point , we set our own route on GPS devices and started , Was hard specially because we had’t foods and in last night we didnt sleep well , Finally , after around 6 to 7 hours we saw our van and driver and it was a great positive energy to keep going of way and finally in third days we goes back to our warm houses with a great exploration on this canyon and finally we called this canyon ” Zo Siah ” because this canyon under of a mountain with this name .

zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon




zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon


zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon


zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon


zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon


zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon


zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon


zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon

zo siah,hezar masjed,hizar masjed,khorasan canyon,iran canyons,canyoneering,canyoneering valleys,canyoneering iran,iranian canyoneering,iranian canyon