So i want give rate to couple places i saw and ate in there to clear for your choice in Yazd , i believe taste local foods in my trip is one of important things , Also , i believe that local food has one chance to show reality to me 😀 . So this mean , its very important you taste most of local foods and taste best one cooked.


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Faloodeh Yazdi Dessert


Yazd has couple restaurant them serve local foods , Before i give you info of Restaurants i wanna explain about one cold dessert similar to a sorbet , Faloodeh . You can find couple kinds of Faloodeh in Iran and Yazd has one of great of this dessert . This name is ” Faloodeh Yazdi ” Its cold and sweet , one of the suitable places in Yazd we goes and taste this was be ” Shir Hoseyn Faloodeh Store ” unfortunately this shop not located near center but actually Yazd isn’t a big city and you can take a taxi to going there.

My Rate to this place : 4 of 5

Location : Around 7 km from center

Design : Simple



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Another of popular breakfasts in Iran is a soup with lentil. i saw this more popular in Yazd 😂 We was in traditional marketplace that name ‘ Bazaar Khan’ We encountered with a shop they sale this great soup. lentil soup cooking with some mysterious spice and in Iran called that ” Adasi” was yummy. you must try it and i recommend you if you been near center try it in ” Panahandeh Adasi” located in Bazaar Khan. they have two other branches in city but recommended try branch in Bazaar Khan. I guess main branch has more tasty foods. Just don’t except fancy place 😁 there is ordinary service but taste the food is great.
My rating to this place : 4 of 5
Location : Center of historic area
Design : Simple


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Moshir Garden

Also another place i was there and actually i like there was a hotel , with traditional design that i recommend if you can , stay there for couple nights , that was Moshir Garden Hotel , we was there two times for meals , unfortunately restaurant of hotel was terrible , The taste and quality of food were terrible , but in garden you can find fast food of hotel , we ordered couple foods in there , that was fine quality and reasonable prices. Also strongly i recommend you to walk in garden , was great design and atmosphere in garden

My rate to Restaurant of Hotel : 1 of 5

My rate to Fast food of Hotel : 3 of 5

Location : Around 4 km distance from center

Design : Traditional


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Restaurant Yazd


If you trying to find a place to eat dinner , i can recommend ” Talare Yazd Restaurant ” not fancy or traditional design , but fine taste of food , just please double check with waiter 😀 in 2 times we was there in both time they sent wrong food to our table 😀 , But be sure quality is fine and prices is more reasonable from other places in Yazd .

My rate : 4 of 5

Location : Around 8 km from center

Design : Simple


Also if you like traditional design i guess you must visit  ” Dad Hotel “too , This hotel has traditional design and coffee shop and restaurant . unfortunately we went there lately and just we walk of around of this hotel .